Book Your FREE Funnel Audit Call


Welcome to High Ticket Coach Skool – Your Fast-Track to Scaling Success

Hey Coach! 🙌

You’ve taken the first step by joining High Ticket Coach Skool, a community designed to help ambitious coaches like you unlock the next level of growth using paid ads and community nurturing.

But let’s be honest... getting to consistent $50K+ months with high-ticket clients isn’t easy.

There’s a lot to figure out:

👉🏼 Why aren’t more leads converting?

👉🏼 What’s really stopping your funnel from flowing?

👉🏼 How can you scale without burning yourself out?

Right now, you might be feeling like you're trying to piece together a puzzle with no clear picture of the final result. But that’s where we come in.

Your Funnel Might Have Bottlenecks You Can't See

Many coaches hit a plateau and can’t pinpoint why. The truth is, there are often hidden bottlenecks in your funnel that are holding you back from signing those high-ticket clients predictably.

You might think it’s your ads, your offer, your pricing, or even your niche – but what if it’s something else entirely?

Let’s Spot the Bottlenecks in Your Funnel – Together

What if I told you that a FREE audit of your current funnel could shine a light on what’s actually stopping you from scaling to that next level?

This isn’t just some generic advice or fluffy tips.

During this 1:1 call, we’ll dig deep into your funnel and:

🔥 Identify the exact weak spots: Ads, messaging, nurturing process – we’ll uncover the gaps.

🔥 Give you personalised insights: You'll know why your lead flow or conversion rate isn’t where it should be.

🔥 Create a roadmap for success: We’ll point you to the exact free trainings within the High Ticket Coach Skool community that you need to solve those issues and start moving your business forward.

Why You Can’t Afford to Wait

Here’s the thing – time is money. Every day you don’t fix your funnel is another day you’re leaving potential clients (and revenue) on the table. Ads can be a game changer, but only if your system is optimized to convert the right leads at the right time.

By booking this free funnel audit, you’ll save yourself months (or even years) of trial and error. Imagine knowing exactly what to focus on so you can start seeing real results, fast.

Don’t Just Guess – Get Data-Driven Guidance

This isn’t about guessing or gut instincts anymore. It’s about taking action based on the insights we’ll uncover together in your free audit. When you know exactly where your funnel is falling short, you can:

🔥 Plug the leaks in your lead flow.

🔥 Attract more high-ticket clients predictably.

🔥 Stop wasting time on strategies that don’t work.

And the best part? You don’t have to do this alone. The High Ticket Coach Skool is packed with all the free resources you need to fix what’s broken and start scaling fast.

Book Your Free Funnel Audit Today

There’s no cost, no catch – just a genuine opportunity to accelerate your business growth.

So, let’s get you moving in the right direction.

Ready to discover what’s really holding you back?

👉 Click below to book your free funnel audit and let’s uncover the bottlenecks that are keeping you from hitting your income goals.

After the call, you’ll know exactly where to focus, and we’ll guide you toward the free training that will help you implement those changes right away.

It’s time to stop guessing and start scaling. Let’s get started!


Check Out Some Of Our Case Studies

Adam Went From $0k-$40k/mo In Less Than 90 Days

When Adam came to me he had no MRR built into his business and was making less than a few thousand a month. It wasn't from a lack of effort, Adam was trying every strategy going but he couldn't close sales.

The Process

When Adam started he said all I want is “an offer I am confident selling and no more tyre kickers in my DM's” He knew that he could close sales if he had this in place.

We installed our proven ads system and showed Adam how to set up the back end to automate the prospecting section of his business to remove the low quality leads.

While working with Adam I was able to take his manifestation business from $0 to $40k/mo in less than 90 days. The best part is that Adam reduced the amount of time he was spending setting up new appointments and spends his time closing deals with qualified prospects at a 47% close rate.

The Result

Adam got at it right away and immediately started seeing more high quality leads in his DM's. Which allowed him to focus on booking high quality calls that have a high chance of converting and living more of his life. Adam’s business is now on track to do $1 Million dollars this year.

Justin Went From $1000/mo To $25,000 Per Month In Less Than 7 Weeks

When Justin came to me he was doing around $1k per month in his property coaching business. He was putting in 12+ hour days and was ready to reach burnout. Justin knew that he needed to build structure and become the CEO of his business.

The Process

When we first started working with Justin had an offer that was selling but it wasn't scalable. He just needed help simplifying it, and that’s exactly what we did.

We simplified his business structure to create one unique offer inside the HMO property space. I then helped install our unique prospecting strategies which Justin immediately took action on and proved that he was a dominant player in the HMO property coaching space.

We worked together to automate his client acquisition and to simplify his business by installing the right structure so he could scale with predictable numbers. After helping Justin simplify his business he went from $1k/mo to $25k/mo (within 7 weeks)

The Result

By installing the right structure Justin was able to bank $104,000 within the first 5 weeks and has continued to increase his prices and scale his business now he has the capacity.

Book Your FREE Audit Call

Dan Added An Extra $10k MRR in his first 30 Days Working Together With A Predictable Prospecting System

When Dan came to me he had a couple of clients with no consistent lead flow and more importantly wasn’t sure where his next clients were coming from each month. Dan knew he needed to get the right systems in place to take his fitness business to the next level.

The Process

Dan had no systems in his business when we first started working together. Like many business owners. They just play the hustle hard game. As soon as we started working together we took a deep dive into his day to day tasks and helped Dan develop the right SOP’s the free up his time so he could focus on sales.

Once Dan had the right tools and focus area. He saw immediately results and started not only closing deals but had consistent lead flow that brought more opportunity into his business. Knowing that each and everyday he was waking up to money opportunities on his calendar.

The Result:

Dan went from struggling to keep 2-4 clients a month and not making enough money to pay his bills to running a business that runs on autopilot while he climbed mountains for fun. He no longer has to second guess where his next deal will come from because he knows that his new systems and processes will predictably sign 3-5 high ticket clients a month.

Lauren Went From Average Months of $5k To Collecting $57k In 90 Days

When Lauren fist started working with me she had a vision but no idea how to make it happen. She knew she wanted to make a name for herself in the manifestation and wellness space but lacked knowledge in running ads and building a brand.

The Process

Lauren's strategy of gaining new clients each month was relying on luck with no proven system to generate prospects and obtain new clients each month. When I sat down with Lauren to develop a custom game plan for her we focused on client acquisition and making sure that she had a big pipeline of dream clients at all times.

Now Lauren is making a name for herself in her community and has clients come to her just because of her online presence.

The Result

Lauren went from unpredictable cash months sub $5k to a cash producing business that pursues her passion.

Book Your FREE Audit Call